global tabletop game design community

Coming Soon!

Join a fun, thoughtful, and supportive crew sharing their creative journey in the FREE Protospiel Online Discord Community.


July 8, 2024
7:00pm Eastern Time

Soon-to-be-released free community features:

  • Live Events of various types run outside of Protospiel Online playtesting convention weekends
  • Discus community member's creative projects in their dedicated diary forum posts
  • Challenge a fellow Discord member to design a game with a unique-to-them bit set, mechanism, and theme
  • Chat with others planning to attend upcoming in-person tabletop game conventions
  • Join the show discussion with content creators in our Partners program

Want to be one of the first to use our new Free community features?
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    PLUS get your free Digital Prototyping Tools Comparison Guide as a sign up gift. 💜

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