Indie Games Night Market -- Community Newsletter Issue 34


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Hey Reader!

David Kessler here.

Indie Games Night Market at PAX Unplugged

The Indie Games Night Market is coming to PAX Unplugged on Dec 7th, 2024, and three vendor tables will have games by Protospiel Community members!

In the same vein as the Tokyo Game Market, the Indie Games Night Market serves as an in-person marketplace for small batch, unique games that would otherwise have no channel for purchase. The featured games have not been signed by publishers and have no intention to go on a crowdfunding platform. These games are meant to be interesting and unique, but might not have wide appeal. What an awesome way to support innovation and curiosity for game designers!

Details about these games can be found on the IGNM website here.

Some of the featured games look really cool!

If you are interested in purchasing any of the games, filling out the survey links by clicking the buttons below will help the creators to know how many copies to produce, and will reserve one of the limited supply.

Connor Wake of Always Awake Games is featuring two games: Out of Sorts, and Hedged In (which was co-designed by Jamie Sabriel). Out of Sorts is a cooperative game about an alien librarian asking you to sort an alien book collection.

And Hedged in is about passive aggressive wizards dueling to ruin each other’s gardening ambitions.

By the way, Connor also has another game coming out soon and it's on Kickstarter right now. Check out Hedge Maze!

Tony Tran of Chitra Games is featuring In Memory Of (tested at PO in August 2024). This is a storytelling game where you reminisce about loved ones who have passed away.

Amelie Le-Roche of Zerua Games has two games: Circus Corgis and Lab Meltdown (which was tested at Protospiel Online). Circus Corgis is a trick taker about feeding treats to corgis.

Lab Meltdown is a real time cooperative game about scientists stabilizing dangerous chemicals in a rotating space station.

Congrats to all of these creators. I am so excited to see these games at PAX Unplugged in December.

📣Announcements Announcements Annooouuuncements!

  • Caitlyn Greene of Doomsday Robots launched a new blog called Cozy Crowdfunding about cost conscious crowdfunding for board games. Take a look here!
  • A game themed art exhibition in Hamtramck is currently accepting entries until Oct 25th. Check it out here!

That’s it for now. Stay tuned for more awesome events, community opportunities, and updates about games tested at Protospiel!


P.S. If you have something you'd like to see featured in our Community Newsletter, you have 3 options -- either submit an official feature request, reply to this message, or, if you're a current attendee or alumni, post in the #🙌share-your-wins channel in the Protospiel Online Discord server to let us know the details. We'd love to celebrate you!

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