Recapping FinMaster's Limited Edition Launch -- Community Newsletter Issue 40


Protospiel Community Newsletter

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Hey Reader!

AnnaMaria Phelps here.

You might remember playing FinMaster, the South African financial game, last year at Protospiel Online.

In FinMaster you’ll earn money, invest in assets, and make strategic moves to outsmart your opponents. Each turn, you take control of the market, triggering economic events that can boost your wealth or wreak havoc on everyone’s plans. Will you cause a stock market boom or trigger a housing crash?

Designer Elijah Djan sent us an update about the game, which sold out as a limited edition. “We tested FinMaster at Protospiel last year and thought it would be valuable for the community to see the evolution and the next steps we took.”

Early adopters of the game were treated to a custom experience–the first copies were handmade, signed, and hand-delivered! Supporters were also treated to a killer party to make the launch particularly memorable.

video preview

Reviews have been overwhelmingly positive, both from hobby gamers and from educators. This year, Elijah and Danei are gearing up for a larger release. (Sign up here to get updates!)

Asha Fernanders' Midnight Void RPG Kickstarter is over 500% funded with 6 days to go!


Jason Katzwinkel's game Match Hatchery has been picked up by Origami Whale Games, set to release in 2026!


Jeff Grisenwaithe's game Magmapunk just won the 2025 Ion Award for best strategy game!

Big Congrats to all!

📣Announcements Announcements Annooouuuncements!

Looking for opportunities to promote your game? Check these out this week!

Have a spare hour this Sunday? Sign up here for Eric Dittmore's tournament of 1-on-1 Basketball on Screentop.gg this Sunday March 2 at 4pm EST. You even get to pick your own team name and color during registration! Prizes for the top teams include badge vouchers to Protospiel Online and a physical copy of the game.

Want a little bit of fun to sweeten your Monday? Heather Newton is going live on Twitch with the very first installment of Minigame Monday March 3 at 1pm EST. This is a quick, 30 min stream to showcase prototypes from past convention weekends with some light puzzle-y play.

That's it for this week!


P.S. If you have something you'd like to see featured in our Community Newsletter, you have 3 options -- submit an official feature request, reply to this message, or, if you're a current attendee or alumni, reply to our weekly Community Wins Roundup post in the PO Discord #🙌share-your-wins channel to let us know the details. We'd love to celebrate you!

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