Bubble Net is Live -- Community Newsletter Issue 30

Hey Reader!

David Kessler here.

Bubble Net is live on Kickstarter!

Congratulations to Cat Drayer, of Drayer Ink! Bubble Net is Drayer Ink's first Kickstarter, and one of the first games they ever brought to Protospiel Online.

Bubble Net is a meditative, multiplayer Solitaire game for 1 to many players, designed and illustrated by Cat Drayer, and developed by George Drayer.

In the wild, most humpback whales hunt by lunge fishing - they see a shoal of fish and they lunge at them. It’s not very eff-FISH-cient!

Some pods of whales have developed a better technique, called “bubble net feeding”, where one whale dives down below the fish, blowing a spiral of confusing bubbles that encloses them, while the other whales swim around the outside, increasing the confusion with their songs and shadows.

In response, the fish crowd together into a tight ball, making for a much higher quality bite for the clever whales!

That’s what you get to do in Bubble Net--blow the spiral of bubbles, while your two podmates help herd or hold the fish until your big bite is ready. You may even learn something about humpback whales by playing!

Bubble Net was at Protospiel Online back in January 2023. Cat Drayer thinks that Bubble Net is at the sort of scale that many designer attendees of PO might relate to. As such, you may see yourselves in Drayer Ink's story.

📣Announcements Announcements Annooouuuncements!

Coming soon to a Protospiel Online Discord server near you… free community events and activities!

If you’re already a member of the server, you will automatically get access to a few new community features when they open next week. If you’re not yet in the server and would like a way to join in community activities without the need to register for a Protospiel Online badge, join the waitlist to get an email as soon as the free community opens to the public.

Look for the next newsletter issue, where we’ll share all the details. 👀👀

That’s it for now. Stay tuned for more awesome events, community opportunities, and updates about games tested at Protospiel!


P.S. If you have something you'd like to see featured in our Community Newsletter, you have 3 options -- either submit an official feature request, reply to this message, or, if you're a current attendee or alumni, post in the #🙌share-your-wins channel in the Protospiel Online Discord server to let us know the details. We'd love to celebrate you!

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