It's Complicated -- Community Newsletter Issue 14

Hey Reader!

David Kessler here.

Folks in the Protospiel community do such amazing, creative, and sometimes wacky things. There’s just something about weird games that tickles my fancy.

Jack Rosetree is debuting their print-and-play poster for their new game at Gen Con, and, well…

It's Complicated is an intentionally complicated game for 2 players. It involves chess pieces, a deck of poker cards, resource management, a Snakes & Ladders-style race track, rolling dice, using those dice for worker placement, and it can end in the first round. They've taken that entire game (dice, chess pieces, and all), and slapped it, print & play-style, on an 18"x24" poster.

You can get a sneak peek preview of the game by watching this recording on Twitch. The game is also playable on Screentop ( for anyone who wants to try it.

📣Announcements Announcements Annooouuuncements!

Bez Shahriari's annual ELL Deck contest is underway!

The ELL Deck was released in 2017 -- a deck of 48 cards with letters, suits, and numbers. There were 5 games included in the first printing, with many others available online. Each year has seen a new 'headline game' that can be played with the deck.

You can check out the deck, originally called Wibbell++ at boardgamegeek.

Submissions for the contest are due by July 31st. You can find the submission form here.

There is also an art contest for typography of the ELL Deck, which can be found here.

That’s it for now. Stay tuned for more awesome events, community opportunities, and updates about games tested at Protospiel!


P.S. If you have something you'd like to see featured in our Community Newsletter, you have 3 options -- either submit an official feature request, reply to this message, or post in the #🙌share-your-wins channel in the Protospiel Online Discord server to let us know the details. We'd love to celebrate you!

Hi! We're your Protospiel Online Content Team

We love helping our community of game designers and playtesters find encouragement and connection through our virtual conventions and the supporting content like our Twitch streams, YouTube channel, and Community Newsletter. It lights us up to see all the amazing milestones Protospiel community members are reaching with their game designs.

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